With all the changes to hospital policy and visitation ability due to Covid-19 there has been an increased need for child life specialists to provide resources and support to families experiencing separation under distress. In searching for resources of helpful direction for the patients and caregivers I work with, I have come across a book to add to my therapeutic library. The book titled "You Weren't With Me" by Chandra Ghosh Ippen and illustrated by Erich Ippen Jr. focuses on the story of two rabbits, one big and one little, who are reunited after a difficult separation.
What I love about this book as a child life specialist is that the difficult separation is never described. Meaning that a child reading the book can easily prescribe their own difficult separation to the characters. This book addresses feelings of sadness, anger, resentment, and fear regarding the separation and how the big rabbit wasn't present during the scary thing that happened. Throughout the book the two rabbits are able to share their feelings regarding the separation which demonstrates positive coping and communication between children and their caregivers.
The language in the book is soft and child friendly, while still achieving the goal of providing support to both the child and caregiver. From my read through, I felt as though the language in this book could give a caregiver good guidelines of how to respond to children, especially when they say potentially hurtful things after a difficult separation due to their misunderstanding of the situation.
I plan to use this book to support pediatric patients separated from adult caregivers due to hospital visitation policy, for children of adult patients who were not allowed to see their sick caregivers, and children of healthcare workers who were unable to come home to their families due to potential of spreading the virus. Throughout this Covid-19 pandemic there have been many individuals affected by separation and loss. We as child life professionals have the unique skill set to provide support and healing to those affected. What tools are you using to support your community during this difficult time?