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Volunteer Appreciation

April is full of really great things... Child Abuse Awareness Month, Donate Life Awareness Month, and Autism Awareness Month. But, it is also Volunteer Appreciation Month! I don't know about any of you, but I couldn't do my job without the volunteers that so selflessly give their time. If you are a volunteer somewhere, I hope you receive some thanks, but beyond that allow me to extend my heartfelt thanks for all you do!

Let's all be honest, life without volunteers would be a hot mess express! Trying to provide preparation, procedural support, developmental support, engaging in medical play, therapeutic play, and normative play.... plus managing a play space, staying on top of dirty toys, and responding to the small requests from families and nursing staff. Its enough to drive you up the crazy wall during an eight hour shift. Some times there just aren't enough hours in the day ya know? Volunteers take some of that stress away, they spend time cleaning toys, they help sort out the play space, they throw their being into playing with kids, and ultimately they help me help patients.

I have seen volunteers vigorously playing with a child I have struggled to connect with. I have watched a volunteer support a parent by allowing them time to have a conversation over a walk around the unit. I have been able to say "go xyz" and noticed a volunteer not only xyz-ing but also 123-ing because they noticed a need and filled it. I have listened to coworkers share their stories of volunteer successes and seen the positive impact they make on families.

I could go on and on. Needless to say volunteers make a huge difference and positively influence my personal work experience. If your a professional take time to thank a volunteer this month. If you're a volunteer, THANK YOU, we very literally couldn't do this without you!


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